Sunday, September 14, 2008

Hurricane Ike

So Hurricane Ike came through Longview yesterday afternoon. Our electricity flickered all day long and finally went out at 3:30pm and didn't come on again until 10:30 this morning. Natali was a little concerned last night when the lights were out and she was very interested in all of the candles. :) The wind was just plain crazy! We had some big gusts that I was quite concerned about. Not damage to our house - but lots and lots of branches, pine cones, and leaves all over the front and back yard.
We drove over to my parents house for lunch and we saw a lot of down trees - 1 in particular had hit part of a house and caused some good damage. It was a very large tree and the whole thing was uprooted. I am amazed at all the damage just in Longview was caused by Mr.Ike.
So we are all okay here... thank you Lord for no more big branches falling into the house!!!!!!

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