Sunday, April 29, 2007

She's Here!!!!!!

We'll make this quick, because we are very busy new parents now, but here's the vital stats for Natali Nicole Edinger. Born April 27, 2007 at 5:11 pm weighing 7 pouns 0 ounces , 21 1/4 iches, which is tall from what we gather, but that's neither here nor there. Mother and baby are healthy and recovering, we have experienced amazing support from family and lots of visits from friends which lets us know we are loved. We thank you all for praying and caring, we will post pictures as soon as we can get a little sleep and get caught up on the more important things at hand! In the meantime, you can visit my parents site and view some wonderful pictures that my brother-in-law Christian took in the hospital ( Thanks again everyone!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Me and my kitties....

we love to hang out. :) "Patches", the white cat, loves to lay on my lap or next to me wherever I am. It is pretty funny when she tries to get on my stomach now. She will try to lay down on my belly, then give up and lay somewhere else next to me. As you can see in the second pic, she had moved by my legs but the other cat decided to try the belly. Anyways, they are fun and I am having fun with having my big belly. :) Only a small amount of time left for me to enjoy my belly. Fun stuff.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Frustrating bassinet

Okay, so a bassinet isn't the easiest thing in the world to put together. You sure would think it would be easy. Except that the instructions tell you to put a piece together and then later they tell you it was supposed to be a certain way. Why? So then you have to take it apart and redo what you just spent 5 minutes screwing together. :) But finally it got together and it is pretty cool. It has a vibrate mode, lights, a nightlight, music, and the mobile turns with 3 little cute bears hanging down. Here's the coolest thing - it has a remote control!! I didn't know that til we were unpacking all of the parts. So crazy! So here it the bassinet in all its glory - it will be fun now that the frustration is behind us.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Natali's room

Natali's room is mostly finished. It is all painted, the crib and changing table are up, the new fan is up, and the wallpaper border is up too. Ready for the new tenant to move in!! Well, almost anyways - she can wait until a little closer to the due date and we wouldn't mind. :) We are still looking for a glider chair to go in there and we will be moving a dresser in there as well. Lots of little preparations left to do around the house.