Friday, January 30, 2009

First hair cut

Natali's first hair cut! I only was allowed by daddy to cut bangs - I couldn't even trim the rest of her hair. :) So I did a really quick job of the bangs while Josh was home Wednesday night. Natali was a little nervous about the scissors but we made it through. Then she got a bath which she loves.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

An 18 month checkup finally...

(the shirt says "and no one gets hurt" under the big letters)

We went yesterday for Natali to have her 18 month visit and shots. We haven't been able to go because Natali has been sick the last couple months. But anyways - she looks good! Ears are still okay thank goodness. Everything else looks and sounds good. She got 2 vaccines and the flu shot.

Here are the Natali stats:

27 pounds 33 inches long/tall 19 1/2 inches head circ.

Overall, she is above average - in the 75th percentile. Dr.Roberts says to keep Natali away from cookies and french fries!!! :) Natali really doesn't get those that often but I guess that is a nice way to say she is a little pudgy? :) Oh well. She just eats so much at mealtime so we might cut her back some. Also, I am to make sure to brush Natali's teeth twice a day (right now it's probably like every other day). So I will do it after each time I give Natali her medicine.

We are happy to have a healthy little girl right now.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well, Natali had her doctor visit last Monday and there is good news. :) Her ears look great right now - not redness or discharge! This is wonderful but we still go 2 more months on the 2 antibiotics. Natali's GI system is holding up pretty good - she had some diarrhea over the weekend but seems to be better now.

Natali is progressing very fast in the area of talking and understanding what things mean. She actually knows most of her alphabet and she tries to sing "Old McDonald". :) She can recognize letters anywhere. She saw a letter on a rug in a store and told us what letter it was. We are just amazed at how she can remember things she is taught.

Unfortunately Natali is becoming more independant. For example :
Natali is looking at her letter magnets on the refrigerator and saying her letters.
I go over there and say "What letter is that Natali?" And she tells me a couple.
Natali : "No mama" and proceeds to push me out of the way.
She does things like this quite often or only wants a specific person to do something for her.

Overall, we are doing well and enjoying Natali but also having some frustrating times with her and trying to figure out how to discipline her. Like when she doesn't come when we call her, when she screams in a store when I pick her up and it's time to go, or if I try to help her with eating food and she starts screaming at me. :) Fun stuff.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Family Christmas picture

This is our attempt at a family picture for Christmas. Yeah, Natali wasn't exactly looking at the camera when we wanted her to......seems to happen with kids huh? :)
Natali is finally letting me fix her hair sometimes. I have put pigtails a few times and she looks a lot different to me but it's pretty cute. It's hard to believe at this time last year she was just about bald!

Things are going pretty well. Natali is now on a 3 month regimen of 2 antibiotics together to try to finally clear up her ears. She had drainage again the week of Christmas and that's when they started the medicines. She had been on these 2 before, but only for like 2 weeks. The PA is saying it's possible the ear problems are from allergies, but we will see what happens. Natali goes to see her every 2 weeks now and we will go next Monday.

Natali is talking like crazy and is super smart. She understands so much now and puts 2 or more words together all the time. She also mumbles a lot too but she sure means something! We love the way she is growing mentally - it is amazing actually.

Here are some pictures of Natali that I took outside last week. She looks like a big girl. :)

Say "cheese"!