Monday, March 31, 2008

Here is Natali feeding herself!! She just started doing this about a week ago. This video is from the beginning when she just started to feed herself so we were very happy when she actually got something in her mouth! :) She is much faster now and she loves Cherrios!

Cute stuff

Here are a few photos of Natali in this little overall set and some cute shoes. It is fun now that she fits better into shoes and she just seems cuter in clothes when she can stand. :) (I know it sounds weird) She looks so much more like a little person!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Little Mermaid car thing

So here are the pictures of the car I was talking about in a previous blog. It sings and plays differents sounds and stuff. We put Natali on it and push her around the house which she seems to really like!

She loves to press the horn!!

I know this is blurry, but this is Natali crawling over her new toy. Yes, over! I thought she would get stuck, but she got right over. :) Silly silly girl. She has done this a few more times since then.

The picture of Natali's hand on the Mermaid is her trying to stop it from moving. (at least I guess that is what she's doing) When the music starts, the Mermaid starts moving and Natali always puts her hand on there. It is really funny.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Sippy cup

Here is a pic of Natali and drinking from the sippy cup. She does really good with the new cup but she does like to shake it for some reason. Good thing the sippy cups we have don't leak.

Other news:

Natali now "meows" to the cat Buster. It is really funny - she sounds just like him! "Meow!"

Natali is trying to say "mama".

Natali claps. It is too cute. When I say "yeah" in a fun type voice, she starts clapping and making a noise herself that sort of sounds like "yeah".

Monday, March 10, 2008

New car seat

Finally we got Natali a new car seat - she was too big for the other one. Josh picked out the pink one. :) Once again, the box was a big hit. Here are the pics!

By the way, Natali loves to point at things. You can see that in the last photo. I guess it's more like putting her hand out because she hasn't figured out how to put just one finger out yet.

Another new toy.....

So we decided to get out the little scooter thing (what do you call them?). My parents got it for Natali for Christmas. She can't ride it herself or anything but we wondered if it might help her to walk. However, it rolls a little too fast for her to keep up - she falls. But it is fun because it plays music! It's pretty amazing things these days compared to what they used to be like. I remember we had one like this that was red, blue and yellow I think - no bells and whistles though - maybe the horn honked. Anyways, I loved that thing. Hopefully Natali will like hers as well as I like mine. When it plays music, Natali does a little dance - it is really cute. She actually bounces back and forth for lots of different music.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

This is Natali's new clucking or clicking noise. She started doing this a couple weeks ago. It is really cute. :) I have a lot of catching up to do about Natali.

Accomplishments in the last week or 2 weeks: Pulling up to standing all by herself, pointing at things and making little grunting noises, eating number 3 foods and table foods, drinking from a sippy cup, and the best one - putting the pacifier back in her mouth by herself!! She is very good at staning up now - she will crawl over to something and up she goes! We are working on taking steps, but she is very wobbly and she likes to just sit down. If she is staning by something though, she just started being able to move along it so we are making progress. It is hard to believe that our little baby isn't such a little baby anymore. AHHHH!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Up close and personal

Here are a few fun pictures of Natali's cute face. :)