Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Squishy car

I can't believe I haven't blogged about Natali's squishy car! Natali goes to a family friend's house usually one day a week. They have 3 boys and Natalis loves to go to their house because they have lots of vehicles! :) One day the mom gave Natali this stuffed race car. She said Natali had been carrying it around a lot that day and they would like for Natali to have it. Natali has been attached ever since! She has to have the "squishy car" with her every time she sleeps. It's the funniest thing - I guess it is kind of like other kids who have blankies - she even talks to it. I can't remember the exact circumstances of this picture but here is Natali asleep with her squishy car.

Monday, November 16, 2009

News on the kiddo

Well, we started puting big girl panties on Natali over the weekend. My mom suggested to give it a try. Natali stayed with my parents Friday night and Saturday morning because I had to work Saturday. So they put the panties on... Dora panties of course! When my mom put them on, Natali said "These are very soft!". She did really good - at one point she started to go pee-pee and leaked some but caught herself. She did that a couple times I guess but then seemed to get the idea. We told her to keep Dora dry and she goes for that. :) She says "Dora needs to be happy so I will keep her dry". Sunday she did really good and today has gone alright. Still needs work but overall, I'm impressed. This morning, she came out of her room and the first thing she said was "Mommy, can I make pee-pees in the potty?"! So we sat on the potty (she had already gone a little in the nighttime pull-up) and she went a little more and did a #2. Then she saw her panties and said "Can I wear the yellow ones today?". It made me so happy!
Sorry if this is too much information for some people but that is our beginning to big girl panties! Natali can talk like the best of them! She understands just about anything. Oh, another thing is that she likes to make funny faces and have other people make funny faces. SO here is a funny face session with Natali.

All you have to do is say "Natali, make a funny face". :)