Saturday, February 9, 2008

9 month checkup and standing

I am behind on blogging. Josh took Natali to her 9 month check up on Tuesday because I was working. No shots this time, just a good look over and a thumbs up from the doctor.

19 lbs 3 oz

28 1/4 inches long

18 inches head circ.

The doctor said Natali looked good. She said we can feed Natali any solid food that "you can squish between 2 fingers". We have given Natali a little bit of bread, ice cream, peas, peaches, and Cherrios. She was funny with the Cherrios - I guess she wasn't quite sure what to do with them. The doctor also said Natali may be behind developmentally since she wasn't standing or pulling up. But she is jumping in the jumper, babbling, and crawling well. So Josh decided to try Natali at standing when they got back from the doctor. Natali can stand while holding onto something! We just hadn't really tried yet I guess. She has since pulled up to standing but with a little bit of help. Here is the proof.

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