Sunday, May 25, 2008

Playing outside

Natali loves to go outside. Unfortunately, it is getting very hot here in Longview and we have lots of mosquitos in the back yard. So, we don't like to take her out much. She always points outside and gets excited because she wants to go. Anyways. Here are a few cute pics of her playing one day last week with some new toys.

Just for an update on Natali......... She is walking around like crazy - she rarely asks for our hands to hold on to while she walks. A couple times she has gone from sitting on the floor to standing up without holding on to anything! Natali is working on saying "ball", when you ask her to say "fish" she says "ish", she says "mama" and "dada", she just started saying "no" - she walks around and says "no"... "no"..... "no"(it's pretty funny), and "yes" is "ssss". That's all I can think of right now.

And boy does she see cats! If there is a cat on the TV, a book, her clothes, anything - she makes the "meow" noise. It blows me away how she know what a cat is/looks like. We were in the cat litter isle at WalMart today and she was pointing at the litter/food and going "meow". It is seriously amazing.

Natali will be starting daycare on June 2nd!!! We were very lucky to get in to a place very near to our house and on the way to work for me. They are open from 6:30am to 6:00pm so it shouldn't be a problem to get her there before work and pick her up after. It seems like a nice place so I hope it works out for Natali (and us).

That's it for now... got to get to bed. Happy Memorial Day to everyone!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OK we just learned this and it is amazing for mosquitoes - get a chiminea or a fire bowl or even a grill (obviously it would have to be something Natali couldn't reach since it's fire) and burn pinion wood! You can buy it for like $10 a bag. If you have it burning anywhere in your yard, NO MOSQUITOES! It is pretty great. We use it nonstop when we work outside!!