Sunday, June 5, 2011

Natali things

Natali is a growing little girl. She is 4 years old now! :) She is changing and to me acting a little older. It is very difficult to carry her any more which at 4 she shouldn't be carried anyways I guess. :)
One of the differences is that Natali is making up lots of games to play. She has a thing with our dog Ranger that she puts towels on him and calls him the "Pressible". I guess she got this from us saying impressive? Not really sure. Ranger puts up with a lot from her and we are thankful he is so patient. Natali also likes to put her Hot Wheel cars all over and around Ranger. Another thing she started is she builds a ladder out of Legos for the Lego people to go up and be on Ranger. She will cover him up with pillows too which is what one of the pictures is of. You can barely see Ranger's head.

Natali also does a lot of playing with her toys and making stories for them. It is really cute and it's neat to see her use her imagination. She does dialogue with her cars and other things.
Natali still likes to play with Legos also as I mentioned. She got a set for her birthday that you can make 3 different vehicles out of 1 set. She is changing it multiple times a day and is able to do a lot of it by herself. She can look at the instructions and follow them fairly well.
Things are going good around our house. Natali goes and goes and goes all day. :) She is quite the talker and doesn't like taking naps but still does.

This last picture is from our latest visit (maybe a month ago?) to see Natali's cousins - Finn and Asher and Aunt Jenny. Finn slept a lot of the time and Asher was taking a nap when we got there. But when Asher woke up, he and Natali had a little bit of interaction. Asher seemed to be proud of his little sister I think - he went over to where she was and smiled big and seemed to kind of show off his sister to us. We had a good time with them.


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures and update. We just love you guys.
Aunt Janell and Tim

Unknown said...

The new blog colors are so pretty! Don't they all look so cute together?! They are going to have so much fun in July!!

maya shameless said...

Very cute girl god save her